California Transparency in
Supply Chains Act of 2010
Mitsuwa Marketplace is committed to conducting its business in a lawful and ethical manner and expects that its vendors and suppliers to conduct themselves in the same manner. We are in the process of creating and implementing policies and procedures in an attempt to prevent human trafficking and slavery in supply chains.
Mitsuwa Marketplace is in the process of verifying its merchandising supply chains in order to evaluate and address the risks of human trafficking and slavery. The verification will be conducted by the management of Mitsuwa Marketplace and not by a third party.
Mitsuwa Marketplace does not currently audit its direct vendors and suppliers to evaluate their compliance with our standards for the prevention of human trafficking and slavery in supply chains.
Mitsuwa Marketplace is in the process of requiring its direct vendors and suppliers to certify that materials incorporated into their merchandise they sell to us comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the prevention of human trafficking and slavery in supply chains.
Mitsuwa Marketplace is in the process of developing internal accountability standards and procedures for employees or contractors failing to meet our standards for the prevention of human trafficking and slavery in supply chains.
Mitsuwa Marketplace is in the process of creating a training program for its employees and management who have direct responsibility for supply chains management on the prevention of human trafficking and slavery and how to mitigate risks within the supply chains of merchandise we sell.